Day: 16 November 2024

10th November 2024

10th November 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 16 November 2024

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a good week. Lots going on as all our November events are fast approaching with REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY services, the BIG QUIZ NIGHT next Friday, the CHRISTMAS FAYRE in a fortnight’s time, and the ALPHA course, which started last Thursday, still has space for more people to join. There are also details of an event specially for Christian men later this month in Rushden and a new edition of Puzzles and Other Stuff is attached. It is SHOEBOX COLLECTION WEEK with opportunities for people to sit in church to receive boxes and so this is our Charity of the Week.
Do keep reading for more details of these and more.

Please pray for the SHOEBOX APPEAL organised by Samaritan’s Purse, giving thanks for all the shoeboxes that have been packed both here and across the country, and praying for the massive logistical effort of taking them from churches like ours, which are collection points, to the hands of children around the world. We understand our boxes are going to Malawi in Africa this year.
As well as praying there are three practical ways in which you can help:
1. Pack a shoebox. It is not too late to take a box, fill it with lots of exciting gifts (see the leaflet or previous emails for details of what to pack and what NOT to pack) and bring the shoebox to church next Sunday, 17th November. You can also bring individual items for a communal box.
2. Sign up to sit in church on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday this week, for an hour between 9am and 1pm. There is a sheet in church for you to sign up for a slot.
3. Volunteer to go to the warehouse in Coventry to help sort the boxes before they are shipped to their destination. Speak to James or Louisa about this as they have done it before and say it is great fun and very rewarding.

ALPHA – Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in the Vicarage
We started the new Alpha course last Thursday but it is not too late to join, so if you, or someone you know, would be interested in finding out more about the Christian faith, then either just come along on Thursday or speak with me to find out more.

There are two services on Sunday and both will observe the two minutes silence at 11am.
St Columba’s have MORNING WORSHIP at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people, and sung worship from 10.15am. This service will be available to watch on Youtube by going to this link:
St Leonard’s, Rockingham also have a REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SERVICE at 10.45am. This includes the reading of names on their War Memorial.
In the evening we have a PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in St Columba’s.

BIG QUIZ NIGHT – Friday 15th November starts at 7pm in Church Hall
Please come along to have fun quizzing with friends and family and raise money to help alleviate poverty around the world. Bring your favourite snacks and drinks to aid you in your quizzing! You can come in a team or we can put you in a team with others, so no-one will be left out! There will be a raffle and opportunity to donate to Tearfund so please bring cash or use the church card reader. All donations will be going to Tearfund.

There is just one service next Sunday, HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am with sung worship from 10.15am and ENERGIZE groups for children who will begin rehearsals for this year’s NATIVITY so it would be great to see as many children as possible.
In the evening there will be a PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in St Columba’s.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – Saturday 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
As well as the sign up sheet for helpers we also now have two boxes in church for donations of RAFFLE PRIZES and BOTTLES for the TOMBOLA. We also need TEDDIES, but they are too precious to go in a box so can sit on the table. Please tell all your family and friends about the FAYRE and encourage them to come along, and plan to be there yourself even if you can’t help, although we do still need more helpers on the day.

UNSCHOOLED ORDINARY MEN* in Rushden – Saturday 23rd November at 7pm
Men of Northamptonshire you are invited to be part of a gathering of men looking to Jesus. Unschooled Ordinary Men* is an event in partnership with CVM (Christian Vision for Men) whose team of Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby will be leading and speaking. The event also includes worship, refreshments, the CVM resources and a free resource produced for this event only. This will be at Park Road Baptist Church, Park Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0RG and tickets, costing £5, are available at:
* unschooled ordinary men is a reference from Acts 4.13 where it is used of the disciples Peter and John.

BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this concert cost £22 are still available from the Cube or online at:

AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this event cost £11 each, or £8 each for a group of 3 or more, and are still available from:

This is being organised by some people from Hope Church, but it will be happening in our Church Hall. As before the aim is to make Christmas Day special for those who would otherwise be alone. Volunteers are needed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as follows:
CHRISTMAS EVE: Hall Preparation, Table Setup, Decoration, Food Preparation (food hygiene training provided – online), Cooking (food hygiene training provided – online), Wash and Clean Up, Gift Wrapping.
CHRISTMAS DAY: Food Preparation, Cooking, Table Hosts, Servers, Food Delivery, Entertainment, Wash and Clean up.
If you are able to help, or would like to find out more, please contact:

‘Steve writes about this latest Puzzles mag, which is called “A Time to Laugh…” (Ecc. 3:5): “I wanted to produce a light-hearted edition, so it contains lots of amusing ways of how to remove rampant squirrels from your church; a picture of some alarming bathroom flooring which, having had a new one fitted I would love to have; why for over a week in 1752 nobody was born or died, and why George Washington and hundreds of others had to change their birthdays. Why lots of countries other than the US celebrate Thanksgiving Days in November; and hilarious examples of why misusing the word ‘literally’ gets up my nose(!). Here’s a couple of examples from commentators: “In his youth, Michael Owen was literally a greyhound” (really?) and “The ball came back, literally cutting Graham Thorpe in half” (yuk!) … and a great cartoon strip about “How great leaders delegate.” And, of course, lots of puzzles. Enjoy!”

I will be at Rockingham tomorrow but hope to see you at the Quiz on Friday.


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