27th October 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 2 November 2024
Good morning everyone,
First can I remind you all that the clocks go back tonight, which for some people means an extra hour in bed, but if you want to spend your extra hour more constructively can I suggest you read and meditate on Psalm 19. This wonderful Psalm points us back to creation and the heavens which declare the glory of God; it points us back to God’s law, statutes, precepts, commands, and decrees, which sound awfully dry, until you read how they refresh the soul, bring wisdom, give joy and light; and it serves as a warning and an encouragement as we reflect on our own lives, a warning about sin, including our hidden faults that I mentioned in last Sunday’s sermon, and an encouragement that if we obey God there will be great reward.
Second, I have rather shocking news about Joan Dyche who was told on on Monday by her cancer doctor that her life expectancy is only weeks up to 3 months at most. Please pray for Joan, and Justin as he seeks to make Joan’s remaining time as good as possible.
Third, as well as details of services tomorrow and next Sunday, and recaps about Shoeboxes, Big Quiz Night and Christmas Fayre there are notices about two other events coming up in November, an opportunity to order ADVENT CALENDARS, a new Charity of the Week and attached the latest mini SCaNS. Keep reading for information about all of these.
If you would like to order a Divine Fairtrade Chocolate (milk or dark) Advent Calendar at the reduced price of £4.99 please either reply to this message or speak with Miriam. This offer is only available this weekend so we need to know by Sunday evening so that we can place the order.
This is a new weekly article to focus our attention on the different charities that St Columba’s supports. This week the focus is on our CMS link missionaries as there is a new Prayer Letter from them which is available to read at the back of church. There are some printed copies if you would like to take one and pray at home.
We have two services on Sunday as follows:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE who will be preparing for next week’s All Age service. For anyone not able to be in church tomorrow we hope that we have sorted the technical issues that stopped last week’s livestream and that this service will be available to watch here: https://youtube.com/live/Na2XWGmVPRU?feature=share
We also have the PRAYER MEETING at 6pm.
There are two services at St Columba’s next Sunday.
10.30am ALL AGE WORSHIP for ALL SAINTS with children’s participation and activities.
5pm SERVICE TO REMEMBER THOSE WE LOVE BUT SEE NO LONGER. If you have lost someone you love, either recently or many years ago, and would like to come along to light a candle and remember them, then this is the service for you. Please pass this invitation on to anyone you know who may be missing a loved one.
As a result of the evening service there won’t be a Prayer Meeting on 3rd November.
There are two ways in which you can support the 2024 Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal:
1. Collect a Shoebox and a leaflet from church, choose whether you are packing for a boy or a girl and what age, and then buy all that you need (see the lists below) to fill the box and bring it back to church by Sunday 17th November. Don’t forget to make a donation for the cost of your box, either online or by cash/cheque with your box.
2. Look at the list of suggested items below and buy what you can and simply drop the items off at church where they will be used to make up shoeboxes.
The list of suggested items includes: dolls, footballs, cuddly toys, school supplies including pens, pencils, sharpeners, crayons, notebooks, solar calculator, toy cars, torch, skipping ropes, yo-yos, toys that light up/make noise (with spare batteries), personal care items such as toothbrushes, socks, combs, hairbrushes, sunglasses.
DO NOT INCLUDE: toothpaste sweets, lotions and liquids, used or damaged items, war related toys, seeds, chocolate, food, religious literature, medicine, aerosols, sharp or fragile items.
I received a postcard from Samaritans Purse saying that shoeboxes would be going to Malawi this year – something to bear in mind when buying.
BIG QUIZ NIGHT – Friday 15th November starts at 7pm in Church Hall
Do come along to have fun quizzing with friends and family and raise money to help alleviate poverty around the world. Bring your favourite snacks and drinks to aid you in your quizzing! You can come in a team or we can put you in a team with others, so no-one will be left out! Please bring cash to donate or use the church card reader. All donations will be going to Tearfund.
CHRISTMAS FAYRE – Saturday 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
Do put this date in your diary and plan to come along and support this event. There is a sign up sheet for helpers in church. If you know anyone who would like a table to sell their own crafts, gifts, etc please get them to contact Miriam on 07950 818315 asap.
BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Some of you may have seen the Big Sing Choir on Britain’s Got Talent last year. “They will bring a ground-breaking, modern twist to Christmas Carols that we all know and love. Hear their new, fresh and passionate performances of stunning Christmas songs that will leave you feeling festive and uplifted. Featuring show-stopping arrangements to well-known carols such as ‘Oh Holy Night’, ‘The First Noel’, ‘Mary did you Know’ and ‘Joy to the World’, they even promise to get you singing along with them!” All tickets cost £22 and are available from the Cube or online at:
AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Many of you will know Rob Parsons, either from his speaking at Spring Harvest or from his 35 years at Care for the Family. Rob writes “During this event, I’ll share stories with you that I’ve never told before – stories that I hope will encourage you to make the very best of your gifts, your goals and your relationships”. Early bird tickets (booked by 29th October) cost £6, after that they are £11 or £8 for a group of 3 or more and are available from:
Please find here the latest mini SCaNS about which Steve writes:
“You can read about how God wants the best for you in which I share a personal example of how He stopped me changing jobs which opened amazing new doors for me…as we approach Remembrance Sunday, a story of how brave Czech enslaved prisoners, at risk of their lives, thwarted a plan by their Nazi oppressors to make munitions to blow up Allied aircraft. Lots of funnies, including, “What not to include in a job application” and quotes from when the media gets it wrong, my favourite being, “Was Diana alive in the hours before she died?”! Peanuts and other cartoons to give you a laugh – and some new home-made quizzes I’ve enjoyed creating. Hope you enjoy!”
May you find blessing this weekend, however you choose to spend your extra hour,
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