Day: 7 January 2023

New Year’s Day 2023

New Year’s Day 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 7 January 2023

Dear Church Family,

I hope you’re all doing well this week, have had a good Christmas and are looking forward to celebrating New Year. As it’s still New Year’s Eve as I write I wonder how many of us are heading out this evening to celebrate with friends or family or indeed party with the masses! This is the point where I admit that I’ll be tucked up at home instead, but do hope those who are out and about have a good time welcoming in the New Year.

As our Sunday service falls on New Year’s Day this year, we’re having a more relaxed all-age service including Communion where we’ll be welcoming in the New Year together, 10:30am Sunday 1st January 2023. For those of you unable to make it you can be part of the service by joining us live on YouTube using this link: – you’ll also be able to catch up with the service later on the same link.

There is no prayer meeting this Sunday, but do keep an eye out for its return in the New Year on Sunday 8th January at 6pm.

Alpha will also be restarting on the 9th January at 7:30pm, if you’re interested it’s not too late to join so do have a conversation with me if you’d like to come along.

We have our Epiphany Fellowship group coming up at 10:30am this Wednesday 4th January 2023 which will finish the Advent course we started before Christmas, everyone is welcome, you don’t have to have been to previous sessions.

As we look into the New Year the Great Easton Little Theatre Company are performing their 2023 Pantomime DICK WHITTINGTON in our Church Hall on Friday 3rd February at 7.30pm, Saturday 4th February at 3pm and Sunday 5th February at 3pm. Tickets cost £7 for adults, £5 for children or £20 for a Family Ticket for 2 adults and 2 children and can be purchased either after St Columba’s services or by contacting Ian.

With thanks to Steve Scholes we have our first Mini-SCaNS of 2023, with some challenges both spiritually and in puzzle form, attached to this email.

Have a great New Year!

With every blessing
