17th October 2021
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 17 October 2021
Hello again everyone,
This has been a busy week for me with, unusually, two trips away from Corby, including an overnight stay at Launde Abbey. This was for a meeting with the Bishops, Archdeacons and Rural Deans, where we met Revd Alison Booker who will be taking over as our Archdeacon in the New Year, following the retirement of Gordon Steele at the end of this month.
Everyone is welcome to our services in church tomorrow at either 10.30am or 5pm. They are both Communion services with Rosie preaching the final sermon in our series looking at the book of James. For those who can’t make it to church there are the usual options, you can read the service here or you can watch the service on youtube. Don’t forget to have some bread and wine available for Communion.
We have our usual HIA Prayer Meeting in church after the 5pm service on Sunday and then next Sunday, 24th October, we look forward to welcoming Matt Morton from HIA to the Prayer Meeting. Matt will be telling us all about the Friendship and Support Group which is so important to the success of the house. As we don’t yet know who the tenants will be, or anything about them, even if they will be men or women, we would like a good number of people to come along to this meeting so we can then select those who are most suitable to work with our first tenants.Please note the Prayer Meeting on 31st October will be at 7pm for one week only.
The reason for a later start for the Prayer Meeting is because we are hoping to hold a children’s LIGHT PARTY on 31st October. Susan Fleming has been contacting families about this, but if you are reading this and would like to know more please do get in touch with Susan, Kevin or myself. More details will be available next week.
You can watch a film about the annual shoebox distribution project, which is sure to inspire you to get involved, by watching this video
Those of you who are coming to church on Sunday will have the opportunity to collect an empty Christmas Shoebox for you to fill for children around the world who will not receive much in the way of presents this Christmas. Do make sure you also pick up a leaflet that says what can, and importantly what cannot, go in the shoebox. If you are not in church and would like an empty shoebox to fill do get in touch and we can arrange to deliver one to you. ALL SHOEBOXES NEED TO BE RETURNED TO CHURCH BY SUNDAY 15th NOVEMBER.
There are some new ENERGIZE resources here for this week looking at the story of Jesus calming the storm.
We have another great set of Steve’s puzzles available here.
On Sunday 7th November at 4pm we will be holding our service to remember those who we love but see no longer. This service will involve invitations for all those who have been bereaved during the Covid pandemic, including people who were not able to hold services in church, but , as ever, everyone is welcome whenever you were bereaved. There will be opportunity to light a candle in memory of those you are remembering. Please do share this information with anyone you know who might find this service helpful. May God be with you all in this coming week.
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