Latest News From Our Blog

19th March 2023

19th March 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 24 March 2023

Hello Everyone,

I am writing early this week, partly because I am at the Bishop’s Bible Day tomorrow, but also because I wanted to repeat my request from last week for photos of your mums who won’t be with you in church on Sunday. This may be because they have died or simply because they live far away, but it will be great to remember them, as I will be remembering my mum, and having their photos on screen while we pray is one way we can do that. You can either send a photo attached to a reply to this email, or WhatsApp it to me on 07903 644609. It would be helpful to receive them today (Friday) but I will be able to include any photos sent before Sunday.

The young people are going to be leading our MOTHERING SUNDAY service in St Columba’s on Sunday at 10.30am, with plenty of support from the younger children, but there will be lots of variety in the service and so I do encourage you to come along whatever age you are and with your mum if possible – if not send me a photo!
For those who can’t make it to church on Sunday the service will be available to watch on youtube via this link:

We also have our PRAYER MEETING on Sunday evening at 6pm in St Columba’s.

FELLOWSHIP GROUPS will be meeting on Wednesday at 10.30am and 7.30pm.

NEXT SUNDAY 26th March
9am Holy Communion at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30 Holy Communion at St Columba’s, Corby with ENERGIZE groups

A big thank you to everyone who helped with St Columba’s Annual Meeting and the Lunch that followed last Sunday. It is good that we have so many people willing to serve the church in so many ways. Details of the meeting are available on request, including the finance and other reports, but you may like to know that the following were elected or re-elected:
CHURCHWARDENS: John Lynch and Janet Taylor
DEANERY SYNOD: David Bavin, Steve Scholes, William Taylor
PCC: Michelle Doran, Justin Dyche, Colin Fleming, Susan Fleming, Patience Tafuma

Thanks are also due to those who give money to support the church, both regular giving and to the Keep The Church Fires Burning (KTCFB) appeal. Donations to this appeal to help with the cost of heating the church following the increases in energy costs, in addition to your regular giving, are still very welcome, either in an envelope in the offering basket, via the Card Reader, or direct to our church bank account using the reference KTCFB.

A further opportunity to give to St Columba’s is presented by John Lynch and friends (James Ireland and Colin Fleming at present) sponsored walk up Snowdon (in April), followed by Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis later in the year. Please do look out for John and his sponsor form and give what you can, both to encourage the walkers and to support the church.

Please find here the latest Puzzles and Other Stuff from Steve, including some Mother’s Day material as well as news of an answered prayer and lots of Puzzles. Also here is the latest update from HOPE FROM ABOVE for you to read and pray about.

May God bless you all,


01536 400225
07903 644609

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