18th February 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 24 February 2024
Good morning everyone,
I hope you enjoyed some pancakes on Tuesday and that if you have decided to do anything different in Lent that is going well. It is not too late to decide to give something up so that you can spend more time with God, either in prayer (why not join us for the Sunday evening Prayer Meeting?) or reading. There are lots of books in the “library” at the back of church and they are there to be borrowed and read, so why not have a browse over coffee tomorrow and see if there is something that looks like a good read. Don’t forget the Lent Groups will be happening on Wednesday, all the details are below. As well as details of all that is happening in coming weeks and the usual attachments, Steve has written about an answer to prayer this week (see below) and as he says “PRAYER WORKS – because GOD LOVES US and WANTS THE BEST FOR US!”
Lent does not have to be a miserable time, and we are planning to have fun at our Games Night this evening, in St Columba’s Church Hall from 6pm. This is an event for all the family and will involve people playing table top games (snakes & ladders, ludo, dominoes, etc) for a fixed time and then moving on to a different game. Do come along, even if you have not signed up, it will be great to see you and share with you.
The evening will begin with food at 6pm, soup & roll with tea & coffee for adults and hot dogs with squash for children, but you are also welcome to bring your own drinks. The games will start at 6.30pm with an aim to finish about 8.30pm. There is no charge for this evening but there will be an opportunity for people to make a donation.
We have just the one service on Sunday, Holy Communion at St Columba’s at 10.30am, with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people and there will be a livestream available here: https://youtube.com/live/dJ13wzpLgmY?feature=share
We also have a Prayer Meeting in St Columba’s at 6pm.
LENT 2024
Lent began with our Ash Wednesday services and continues with Lent Groups every Wednesday between now and Easter, one in the morning at 10.30am and one in the evening at 7.30pm. These groups are designed to bring the whole church family together to look at “Real Prayer – connecting with our heavenly Father” and next week’s session will be thinking about “How NOT to pray”! I do encourage you to come along and join one of these groups.
We have a choice of service next Sunday morning, with HOLY COMMUNION at 9am in Leonard’s, Rockingham and MORNING WORSHIP at 10.30am in St Columba’s, Corby. The St Columba’s service will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people and will be available as a livestream.
There will also be a HEALING SERVICE at 5pm in St Columba’s to which everyone is welcome, especially anyone who is need of prayer for healing, or who knows someone we can pray for, but the service also gives us an opportunity to gather at a different time of day and with a quieter and more reflective form of service.
We will hold our Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 17th March in the Church Hall after the morning service which will be followed by a Lunch – details to follow. At this time there are three things to think about:
- We need to make sure that anyone who is not on our Church Electoral Roll (our membership list) has the opportunity to join, so do see me after church if you think that might be you.
- If you are responsible for any group or activity in the church would you be able to write a short report that can be included in the book of reports that is given out at the meeting.
- We have a couple of vacancies on our Parochial Church Council and I would encourage everyone to pray about this and ask the Lord if this is something that you may be called to do. There are usually ten evening meetings a year on either Tuesday or Wednesday, as well as a short meeting after the Annual Meeting to appoint church officers. If you would like to know more or to put your name forward please speak with me.
Please find here the latest PRAYER UPDATE from Hope From Above in Australia and also STEVE’S PUZZLES and OTHER STUFF 109. Steve writes this is: “full of stories, puzzles and other goodies! This is a rather special edition because God pointed me to two amazing answers to prayer, and a couple of moving stories – one about being old, and the other about a young lad setting us all an example in not judging others by appearances. Every edition I bathe in prayer and ask God to point me to what He wants me to include and to bless you with it – because, as far as I am concerned, it’s His magazine, not mine. and each week, He astonishes me with what I come across. There’s some great funnies and new puzzles, and a copy of an outreach leaflet I was given years ago at an evangelists’ conference. Some of you may not know Sue has problems with her eyes, and this week she went to Specsavers for her annual check-up. I prayed so much the night before that her sight would not have deteriorated – and PRAISE GOD – not only have they not got worse – her eyes have actually improved! PRAYER WORKS – because GOD LOVES US and WANTS THE BEST FOR US!”
May God bless you all in this coming week.
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