13th October 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 19 October 2024
Hello everyone,
Sorry about the absence of emails over the last two weeks while Miriam and I were away. There is a lot going on in the next few days so I am sending this message on Friday with all the details – please do come along to as many of the following as you are able:
The ladies AFTERNOON TEA is happening today, Friday 11th October, from 3pm in the Church Hall – all ladies welcome for tea, sandwiches, scones, cake, conversation and the next episode of Linda’s testimony.
We are celebrating Harvest this Sunday at St Columba’s, with our ALL AGE WORSHIP at 10.30am followed by a HARVEST LUNCH. Everyone is welcome to both the service and lunch. If you are able please bring a gift for the CORBY FOOD BANK which we can add to our Harvest offering. The list of most needed items at the moment is: Soup, Tinned Spaghetti, Tinned Tomatoes, Pasta Sauce, Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Custard, Tinned Rice Pudding, Biscuits, Tea, Coffee, Long Life Juice, UHT Milk, Disposable Razors, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Toilet Rolls, and Toothpaste.
If you can’t make the service we will try and livestream it using this link: https://youtube.com/live/MnqNIwjzoas?feature=share
I say try because there have been some problems for the last few weeks with the livestream which we hope to overcome before Sunday.
After the service we all move into the Church Hall for LUNCH.
There is a Family Service in St Leonard’s at 3pm on Sunday afternoon, focusing on Prisons Week (which starts on Sunday), as St Leonard is the patron saint of prisoners.
We will be gathering in St Columba’s at 6pm on Sunday for an hour of prayer – everyone welcome.
This production by Riding Lights Theatre Company in partnership with the Christian education charity Transforming Lives for Good is happening at St Columba’s on TUESDAY next week, 15th October at 7.30pm. Tickets are available either from the Riding Lights website
or on the door where cash or cards will be accepted.
Please do come along and support this event, as well as to be entertained and informed about the challenges facing many young people and what one charity is doing to address those challenges.
Next Sunday there is a service of HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
Some of you received a message from our former vicar Rod Lee this week and I am forwarding this request so that everyone has a chance to sign this petition:
Another young Pakistani Christian, Ehsan Shan, faces a death sentence for allegedly posting a damaged Quran image on TikTok. The 22-year-old is the latest victim of false blasphemy charges. His tragic case is hauntingly familiar to Asia Bibi’s case and, unfortunately, many others. Together, we helped set Asia Bibi free. We need you to help do the same for Ehsan. Please sign the petition to the UK Foreign Secretary, The Rt Hon David Lammy MP, urging him to intervene and help save Mr Shan from this unjust sentence by clicking on the link below:
Every action counts as we fight this injustice. Your signature can help save Ehsan’s life! Thank you for embracing this cause.
(Editor’s note: this paragraph was added on Saturday)
Because I sent the email early yesterday it did not include the latest edition of Steve’s puzzles and other stuff.
Steve writes: After a few weeks’ break during which we have had a new bathroom fitted and I’ve learned to use the slow cooker to make delicious beef and pork casseroles (you’re never too old to try something new) I’m pleased to send you another magazine to stimulate your faith – which is the focus of the lead article, to boggle your mind at some of the wonders of creation, and to challenge your brain with some new puzzles – including a Bible cryptogram. There’s some fun stuff, as usual – do read about the Indian chief’s secret message sent to the moon, and see if you can copy Charlie Brown’s Old English script in Peanuts. Sue and I are rather busy over the next two weeks, so the next mag will be out on the last weekend in October when we put the clocks back an hour and can enjoy an extra hour in bed…. doing my puzzles!
With best wishes to all,
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