Christmas Day 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 31 December 2022
Good morning and a very Happy Christmas to you all.
I hope you are full of joy at the thought of celebrating the birth as a human baby of the Son of God who was with God as the world was created. That thought never ceases to amaze me. I hope too that you are all keeping well. Sadly I have been suffering for the last week with the bug that is going round, fortunately Kevin has recovered and has been a great help as I have had very little energy all week.
Just a short email this week to remind you of our remaining Christmas services, and to offer an online alternative for anyone who can’t make it to church.
4.30pm CHRISTINGLE at St Columba’s – the perfect family occasion with oranges (kindly donated by Tesco – thank you very much), candles and the joy of singing Away in a Manger by the light of those Christingle candles!
11.15pm MIDNIGHT COMMUNION at St Columba’s – a more traditional service to reflect on the wondrous events of this night all those years ago in Bethlehem.
10am ALL AGE COMMUNION at St Columba’s
10.30am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham.
- before the turkey, crackers and party games a chance to gather with our church families to celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
I realise there are lots of services on television today, but if you would like something more familiar then we are making available last year’s online Christmas Communion Service. You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZNwsFNsyVg
And don’t forget we will gather again on Sunday 1st January 2023 at 10.30am in St Columba’s.
I pray that the joy and peace of Christmas would be with you and all those you love.