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9th July 2023

9th July 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 15 July 2023

Hello everyone,

Welcome to this week’s email (and sorry it is rather late) in which we begin our goodbyes to Kevin and his family.

This morning I read these words from James 1.12 “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” I thought what a good description of Kevin that is. He has persevered under trial from day one when they moved to Corby and Kate went into hospital, never mind the fact that we were living under Covid restrictions at the time, and there have been other setbacks along the way, but in all of this Kevin’s love for the Lord has shone through. He can indeed look forward to receiving the crown of life that the Lord has promised.

Look out for details below of what is happening tomorrow as we say goodbye to Kevin, Kate and their family.

The description of one who perseveres through trials may also be applied to Steve Scholes, who has endured many problems in recent years, not least with his and Sue’s health, but he too has persevered. The evidence for this is that he has produced 100 editions of Puzzles and Other Stuff for us to enjoy, along with mini-SCaNS and printed SCaNS. Do look at the 100th edition of Puzzles and Other Stuff.

Sunday 9th July
At 10.30am we have a service of HOLY COMMUNION with Kevin preaching and presiding. This will be Kevin’s last service at St Columba’s, and there will be ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. For those who are unable to be in church the service will be available to watch via this link:

After the service there will be a LUNCH in the Church Hall to which everyone is invited. This will also include some people speaking about Kevin’s time with us, and a presentation. If you have not yet contributed to Kevin’s leaving gift please do bring your gift to church tomorrow and place it in the box provided or use the Card Reader (but please make sure it is set to Kevin’s Gift).

Then at 3pm Kevin will be leading a FAMILY SERVICE at St Leonard’s, Rockingham, and everyone is welcome to join him there.

In the evening there will be the usual PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in which we will be praying for Kevin (although he may not be there if he has not finished packing boxes ready to move on Monday!)

Fellowship Groups
We will have Fellowship Groups again this week on Wednesday, at 10.30am and 7.30pm so do come along and enjoy some time to study the Bible, pray, and, as the name suggests, enjoy fellowship with one another.

Jesus Revolution FILM
Having mentioned this for the last two weeks I understand it is the SILVER SCREEN showing on Wednesday 12th July. This is for over 50’s and the price of £4.50 includes FREE tea and coffee so do go along and enjoy this true story, if you are not at Fellowship Group.

Next Sunday
We have another special service next Sunday morning at St Columba’s when we welcome a speaker from Tearfund to tell us more about their work. This will be at 10.30am as usual and will include ENERGIZE groups.

Please note that work on refurbishing the church toilets is continuing, and while there are now three toilets in place it will be easier to use the Hall toilets during the service.

With best wishes


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07903 644609

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