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4th February 2024

4th February 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 17 February 2024

Hello again everyone,

I must once again apologise that there was no livestream last Sunday. We are not sure what happened but know other churches had problems so think it may be something outside of our control. I did a test in church yesterday and all was working so hopefully the livestream should be happening again tomorrow, see link below.

It’s the last call for the 2024 Panto which is being performed this afternoon and Sunday afternoon at 3pm. Tickets cost £5 for adults or children. These are available either by email from, by phone from 07771967322, after church on Sunday or on the door.

There is just one service on Sunday: ALL AGE WORSHIP at 10.30am in St Columba’s. All being well the service will be available as a livestream here:
The Prayer Meeting will be gathering in St Columba’s at 6pm.

The PCC have a short meeting after the service on Sunday morning and a longer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. The meeting on Sunday is to discuss our response to the proposed Pastoral reorganisation (which has been the subject of notices in church over the last few weeks) and which we need to decide if we want to make a response before the deadline on Wednesday. Wednesday’s meeting will include our more regular agenda items and some time for prayer.

The next gathering for tea, sandwiches, scones and cake will be on FRIDAY 9th FEBRUARY at 3pm in the Church Hall. All ladies are most welcome to this occasion which are always most enjoyable and includes Linda Coleman’s next talk on what faith means to her.

The first special event for our Year of Prayer will be happening on FRIDAY 9th FEBRUARY when we will hold a NIGHT OF PRAYER at St Columba’s from 6pm to 9pm. There is a box at the back of church for people to be able to place Prayer Requests that they would like to be prayed for that evening. Everyone is welcome to come for the whole three hours, which will be divided into 20 minute sections with different topics, or you can drop in to pray for the topic(s) that especially concern you, or come at a time that suits you. I do encourage everyone to come along to at least part of this event, prayer is so essential in our lives and in the life of our church, and it is when we gather together that we can release real power in prayer. People are welcome to pray out loud but there is no expectation about this (other than the occasional Amen), several people come to our regular 6pm Prayer Meetings on Sundays and only pray silently.

We have a choice of service next Sunday with HOLY COMMUNION at 10.30am in St Columba’s and a FAMILY SERVICE at 3pm in Rockingham Village Hall. The St Columba’s service will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people and will be available as a livestream.
We will also have a Prayer Meeting in St Columba’s at 6pm.

LENT 2024
Lent will begin in a week and a half with two identical HOLY COMMUNION services on ASH WEDNESDAY, 14th FEBRUARY, one at 10.30am and the other at 7.30pm, both at St Columba’s. These services will be an introduction to the Lent Groups that will follow at the same times on the following weeks, also in St Columba’s. These groups are designed to bring the whole church family together, and so our HOME GROUPS will be taking a break during Lent, but will in most cases resume after Easter – look out for more information about this. Again I do encourage people to come along and join in the Ash Wednesday services and the Lent Groups that follow.

Our Events Group have planned a Games Night for Saturday 17th February in the Church Hall from 6pm. This is an event for all the family and will involve people playing table top games (snakes & ladders, ludo, dominoes, etc) for a fixed time and then moving on to a different game.
The evening will begin with food at 6pm, soup & roll with tea & coffee for adults and hot dogs with squash for children, but you are also welcome to bring your own drinks. The games will start at 6.30pm with an aim to finish about 8.30pm. There will be a sign up sheet at the back of church. There is no charge for this evening but there will be an opportunity for people to make a donation.

Steve is hoping to have a new print edition of SCANS out this weekend so look out for that, and please do look at the BULLETIN from Hope From Above in Australia and remember to pray for their work.

May God bless you all in this coming week.


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