3rd March 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 9 March 2024
Hello everyone,
This is an important weekend in the life of our diocese as Bishop Debbie is installed as our next Bishop. We look forward to getting to know her over the coming months, and finding out what she thinks about some of the issues dividing the Church of England at this time, but for the moment it is good that a small group of folk representing both St Columba’s and St Leonard’s will be in the Cathedral on Sunday afternoon for her Installation Service. This service is by invitation only but it will be possible to watch a livestream, see the details below.
There is just the one service of Morning Worship in St Columba’s on Sunday at 10.30 with the next in our series of sermons looking at prayers in the New Testament, this time Peter’s prayer in Acts 10 v1-33. In ENERGIZE we will be preparing for the Mothering Sunday service the following week, and so it would be really good if as many children and young people as possible could come along and help with those preparations.
The Prayer Meeting will be happening at 6pm in church as usual.
The Right Reverend Debbie Sellin will be installed as the 39th Bishop of Peterborough at a service of welcome in Peterborough Cathedral on Sunday 3rd March at 3pm. As mentioned above the service is by invitation only but to allow for as many people as possible to join in the event, it will be lived streamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_dIaRbOIkw
Our Lent Groups continue on Wednesday at 10.30am or 7.30pm looking at the subject of Praying Confidently. Please note these groups will be held in the Meeting Room of the Church Hall where we can enjoy some warmth without being squashed!
We have two opportunities to celebrate Mothering Sunday, All Age Worship at 10.30am in St Columba’s and Family Service at 3pm in Rockingham Village Hall. Hopefully all our wonderful mums will be able to join us for one of those. As mentioned above our children and young people will be preparing this Sunday (3rd March) to take part in the service at St Columba’s.
St Columba’s Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Sunday 17th March in the Church Hall after the morning service and will be followed by a Hot Lunch, no need for you to bring food unless asked to do so.
- Thank you to those people who signed up to join our Church Electoral Roll (membership list). The new list is on display in church in accordance with the rules, but if you have not yet joined please do speak with me.
- If you are responsible for any group or activity in the church would you be able to write a short report that can be included in the book of reports that is given out at the meeting.
- Thank you also to all those who have asked about the vacancies on our Parochial Church Council. I will be asking you to fill out Nomination Forms in the next couple of weeks, but again if there are other people who would like to stand please let me know.
Please find here the latest Prayer Update from Hope From Above.
May God bless and guide you in the coming week.
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