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26th September 2021

26th September 2021

By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 26 September 2021

Good afternoon everyone, I hope most of you have had a good week. I say “most” because two of Patience Tafuma’s children, Angel and Ethan, have Covid, and Joan Dyche fell and dislocated her shoulder this morning. Fortunately Angel is feeling better, Ethan doesn’t seem to be suffering and Joan was able to get to hospital and home again before lunch. Please do remember them all in your prayers. You may also like to spare a thought for Alois on Sunday as he is running a half marathon in Northampton!


On Sunday 3rd October we look forward to celebrating Harvest with a service in church once again at 10.30am. As usual we will be collecting for the Corby FOOD BANK and they have advised that they are in need of the following items: tins of fish, fruit, rice pudding and custard as well as coffee, squash and long life fruit juice. They have plenty of the following items at the present time: cereal, rice, pasta and tea. Thank you in advance for your donations, and for those that have come in all through this most difficult of years.


This week’s service is Holy Communion. You are welcome to join us at 10.30am in church, where, as well as singing and hearing the sermon and prayers in person, we will receive bread dipped in non-alcoholic wine. Alternatively you can watch the online version of the service, in which case you will need to provide your own bread and wine (or fruit juice). There is also a PDF version of the service available.

After the service tomorrow we will have some cakes from Sheila’s MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING. These will be freely available but if you like to bring a donation to this very worthy cause then Sheila will add it to the money she raised on Friday. We will be able to enjoy the cakes outside church in what may be the last of these lovely late summer days.


Thank you once again to Steve for producing this week’s puzzles. Steve says that he and Sue struggled to find 50 items beginning with C in the picture – why not have a go. Also available are this week’s ENERGIZE resources looking at the story of Saul meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus.


Do take a look at our new website, still with the same address: This is in fact a temporary website, but is already better than the one we had before, with pictures of some of us and the ability to scroll down so it is much more user friendly on all devices. A big THANK YOU to Kevin for his work on this. Bearing in mind it is temporary, if you have any comments about the website please do speak to Kevin.

May God be with you in this coming week.


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