Latest News From Our Blog

25th September 2022

25th September 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 1 October 2022

Good morning everyone,

We began this week with the Queen’s funeral and, apart from the spectacle, what a wonderful sermon by the archbishop. Something to talk with people about perhaps…
Do continue reading for news of what is happening over the next week.

Please do pray for John Pender who is in hospital awaiting further tests after suffering from angina.

Tomorrow, Sunday 25th September, we have three services as follows:
9am at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – Holy Communion
10.30am at St Columba’s, Corby – Holy Communion with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people who will be preparing for next week’s Harvest Service (see below).
5pm at St Columba’s, Corby – Songs of Praise do come along and join in singing some of our favourite songs and hymns (you may even learn a new one) as well as hearing why these songs are favourites as people from our church family introduce them.

Because of the 5pm service we will not have a HIA Prayer Meeting tomorrow evening.

For various reasons, not least to give more people opportunity to sign up (COULD THAT BE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW) we have decided to postpone the start of the ALPHA course until Monday 3rd October. Please don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover more about the Christian faith in a small, relaxed group meeting at the back of church.

Our new Fellowship Groups continue on Tuesday at 7.30pm or Wednesday at 10.30am. The groups are like a home group but are being held in church, they have identical content but with different people the discussion goes in different directions. Both groups last about an hour and a half and include a time of prayer. This week we will be look at the third fruit of the Spirit – peace, something we could all do with. Do come along if you are able, it doesn’t matter that you have missed the first two sessions.

On Sunday 2nd October we will be celebrating Harvest at St Columba’s at 10.30am (and at St Leonard’s on 9th October at 3pm). This means that we will be looking for a bumper collection of donations for the FOOD BANK. The latest list of most needed items includes: SOUP, SPAGHETTI IN SAUCE, TINNED FISH, TINNED FRUIT, LONG LIFE JUICE, FEMININE PRODUCTS, SHAMPOO and SHOWER GEL but all donations of IN DATE canned food are welcome, as they are every week, but it is especially good to remember those in need at Harvest time.
We are also having a HARVEST LUNCH after the service that morning, so if you are able to stay and enjoy fellowship please bring along some food to share, hot or cold, but think dinner rather than sandwiches…and don’t forget the dessert! BUT PLEASE COME EVEN IF YOU CAN’T BRING ANY FOOD.

Here is the latest Prayer Update from Hope From Above in Australia. Do make use of this in your prayers during the week.

With best wishes to all,


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07903 644609


Hello again,

Please find here the latest edition of Puzzles and Other Stuff. Steve recommends the piece about Elvis Presley’s Christian faith on pages 3 & 4, and the amazing bravery of Shavarsh Karapetyan who saved so many lives – twice!

Also an update on John Pender. He has not had his angiogram and is hoping this will happen on Monday as he has another procedure booked for Tuesday so please pray for this.

Best wishes,


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