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23rd October 2022

23rd October 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 29 October 2022

Hello everyone,

I must say our Men’s Group Pub Night yesterday was a good rival to the Ladies Afternoon Tea last week – both were enjoyable times in good company with good food. It is great to be able to gather in social situations like this once again after the difficulties of the last two and half years.

As we all know one of the hardest aspects of the lockdowns were the restrictions on funerals, and so our MEMORIAL SERVICE at 5pm tomorrow afternoon is once again an opportunity for people to gather and remember loved ones, including those who you were not able to say a proper farewell to as well as people who passed away before Covid but are still very much in our hearts. Those families who had a funeral at St Columba’s over the last 12 months have had an invitation to this service, but everyone is welcome, both to remember loved ones and to enjoy fellowship with one another while we sing some well-known songs, light candles and share some refreshments together after the service.

As well as the Memorial Service at 5pm we have two morning services tomorrow as follows:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. This service is also available as a livestream by going to this link:
Apologies that last week’s livestream was cut off during the service but fortunately Kevin recorded the whole service, including Linda’s sermon, and made it available on Monday. (Editor’s note: Links in the website do now link to this new version.)

Because of the Memorial service and refreshments after it there will be no Prayer Meeting tomorrow, but we will meet again next Sunday 30th October.

Last Sunday James and Louisa launched this year’s OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Shoebox Appeal with the news that all this year’s boxes will go to Ukrainian children, many living as refugees in countries that border Ukraine (see below for more news about Ukraine). There is a supply of boxes for you to collect in church, and the all-important leaflets that tell you what can, and cannot, go in them. Please do take a box (or more) and begin packing it. The deadline for returning boxes is Sunday 20th November so we have just 4 weeks.
You can watch this year’s Operation Christmas Child Campaign Film by going to the following link:

Last week I mentioned that Deanery Synod had a speaker from Peterborough Cathedral telling us about their scheme to help with the ongoing needs of Ukranian refugees. This was an excellent presentation informing us that there are still refugees who would like to come to this country, but they are unable to find homes. These are people still in Ukraine or neighbouring countries, not those who have been here for 6 months and need a new home. If you think you could help, or would like to find out more, there are leaflets about the scheme giving more information available in church or here:

We continue with our weekly meetings looking at the fruit of the Spirit on Tuesday evening at 7.30pm and Wednesday morning at 10.30am. This week we are thinking about faithfulness, and everyone is welcome.

NEXT SUNDAY – 30th October
We have just the one service next Sunday: ALL AGE WORSHIP at St Columba’s at 10.30am. As mentioned above the PRAYER MEETING will also be happening at 6pm.

LIGHT PARTY – Monday 31st October, 5:30pm – 7pm
Children and Parents are invited to join us here at St Columba as we celebrate the Light of the World, Jesus! This year we’re going to do something a little different and we’ll be lighting up the church so come along and enjoy. We’ll have a great range of fun activities to do as well. Wear something bright, come along and enjoy our time together!

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – Saturday 26th November, 10am – 12.30pm
For our Fayre to be a success, we would really appreciate if you can get involved by volunteering:
Beforehand on the Friday evening setting up tables, Christmas Tree, etc;
Helping on one of the stalls on Saturday;
Clearing up afterwards.
If you are unable to volunteer, you can still be involved in any of the following ways:
Donate prizes for the Raffle – these can be placed in the box at the back of church
Donate bottles for the Bottle Tombola – these can be placed in the box at the back of church
Make cakes for the Cake Stall – these obviously can’t be brought in until the day!
Donate soft toys for the Teddy Tombola
Thank you very much, any questions please speak to Miriam.

Thanks to Steve for producing another PUZZLES AND OTHER STUFF which is attached to keep us informed and entertained. As Steve says it is always fascinating to discover information about people that you would never guess just by looking at them (see p.3).

God be with you all in this coming week.


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