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21st May 2023

21st May 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 27 May 2023

Good morning everyone,

I hope you have all had a good week and that many of you are making use of the NOVENA mission prayer journal for THY KINGDOM COME, the season from Ascension to Pentecost. If you missed that in last week’s email it is available to download here:
There is also a special Deanery Prayer Meeting for Thy Kingdom Come on Thursday at Gretton – see below for details.

There are several items for prayer, beginning with a thanksgiving for Barbara Bradshaw who I mentioned last week was in hospital. I am pleased to say Barbara came home on Sunday afternoon, made a quick recovery and she thanks everyone for their prayers.
Some of us were also praying for Shamaila this week who has not been well and had to have a chest X-ray which was clear. Please continue to pray that she is restored to full health quickly.
Margaret Smith had an operation on Monday and has spent the week recovering in hospital but is hoping to come home this weekend. Please pray that she is able to do that and for a full recovery.
Lilian Barnes is known to some of you from Lunch Club/Afternoon Tea and Pam Williams tells me that she is also in hospital at the moment so please pray for her treatment to be effective.
Kath Wade has been suffering from an infection this week and while she is now on the mend would appreciate prayer for a full recovery.
And finally Sheila met Diana Loveday yesterday who is off work with fibromyalgia while David is suffering from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s – please pray for them both.

If you have indicated that you would like to go to Spring Harvest next year (at Butlin’s, Skegness from 1st to 5th April) please could you make sure that we have your deposit (£35 per adult and £20 per child age 2-14) this weekend. so if you are not at the morning service or evening prayer meeting please can you call round with cash/cheque or make a payment to the church bank account (details available on request but please put SH24 as a reference and let Miriam know). If you are still thinking about going please do speak with Miriam.

We have one service at St Columba’s tomorrow, MORNING WORSHIP led by Rosie with a sermon from Kevin looking at the story of the Ascension from Acts 1 v 6-14. This service will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people and can be watched on youtube by going to this link:
We also have the PRAYER MEETING at 6pm.

At the last PCC meeting it was proposed we do something towards the helping of the environment, in line with King Charles philosophy. A sub committee was formed to look at what we could do with our lawns around the church, this sub committee met to review some of the ideas, including:

  1. A portion of the front lawn is to be planted with wild flowers to attract the bee’s and butterflies, for which donations of wild flower seeds are requested.
  2. A small section of the lawn at the back of church is to be put down to growing vegetables for distribution for those that need them, also donations of
    seedlings and seeds would also be required for this, i.e. beans, peas, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes etc
  3. A team of volunteers to help get this started by preparing the ground for the wild flower seeds and the trial section of the veg patch.
  4. Any gardening equipment that would be useful would be greatly appreciated.
  5. We also need at least one more volunteer to join Derek and Chris on the church grass cutting team.
    All those that wish to help, including the younger members of our church, please contact John Lynch after one of our services.

Our Fellowship Groups will meet again on Wednesday next week at 10.30am and 7.30pm continuing to look at the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 – everyone is welcome.

THY KINGDOM COME PRAYER EVENT – Thursday 25th May 7.30pm at Gretton church
Steve Benoy, the Bishop’s Chaplain, former DDO and vicar of Christ the King Kettering, is observing the Thy Kingdom Come season by walking across the diocese from Brackley to Peterborough and will be in Corby Deanery on Thursday 25th May. At the end of each day’s walk he is gathering with people from the deanery he is in to pray for mission. Our gathering is in Gretton church at 7.30pm and everyone who is concerned about mission (and that should be all of us) is welcome. The next day Steve will walk from Gretton into Rutland deanery, then go via Oundle deanery on Saturday to Peterborough where he arrives on Sunday.

There are three services next Sunday as follows:
9am at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – HOLY COMMUNION
10.30am at St Columba’s, Corby – HOLY COMMUNION with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
6pm at St Columba’s, Corby – PENTECOST PRAISE an evening of worship celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit, so no Prayer Meeting next Sunday.

Please find here the latest PRAYER UPDATE from Hope from Above.

There are no Puzzles attached this week but there will be a new PRINT edition of SCANS available in church tomorrow so don’t forget to pick up your copy. On the subject of things to pick up there are just a few CORONATION GOSPELS still available, why not take one to give to a friend, neighbour or colleague. I handed some out in the week and they were very gratefully received. There are also still some FREE copies of CHRISTIANITY magazine available to anyone who would like one.

May God bless you all in this coming week,


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