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20th March 2022

20th March 2022

By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 20 March 2022

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to say that I am feeling well in spite of a series of positive Covid tests that have kept me isolating all week. Thank you for all your prayers. I am looking forward to being able to be with you all in church tomorrow. My recent experience, and others in church who have Covid (see Prayer News below) reminds us that the rate of infection is very high and while most people (myself included) have a very mild case there is still a risk, especially for those who are more vulnerable. As a result I think that we should maintain our care for one another and continue to wear face coverings in church for the time being. I look forward to the time when this is not necessary, but, in spite of what is happening elsewhere in society, maybe because of what is happening elsewhere, we do need to remain careful and caring.


We have a choice of service in church tomorrow with HOLY COMMUNION services at 10.30 and 5pm. They will be similar services but with different sermons and different people leading intercessions. There will be less people at 5pm so if you are anxious about Covid and mixing with larger groups that is the service to attend. The 10.30 service will include ENERGIZE groups who will be preparing for next week’s MOTHERING SUNDAY service. For those who are unable to attend in person, like me last week, the service is available on youtube. This was filmed at home because I was isolating. There is also a PDF of the service here.


We will be having our regular HIA Prayer Meeting at 6pm tomorrow, or immediately after the end of the 5pm service. As well as praying for the HIA house, which is nearly ready for the first tenant to move in, we will pray for other needs in our church (see below) and the wider world.


I am pleased to say that Michael Cain (our church member, not the actor) is home from hospital, thank you for your prayers.Please pray for all those with Covid at this time including: Barbara Bradshaw, her husband George and Carole Speirs dad Billy. Do continue to pray for Kevin and Kate and their family. Kate is waiting for more tests and their eldest daughter, Hannah, is moving to Corby next week. 


We have had two meetings of our Lent Groups and three to go. I should say that the talks stand alone, so even if you have not been before, or have missed a talk, do come along and join in the fellowship – it is simply wonderful to be meeting together again. The groups will this week be looking at Mark’s gospel and meet in St Columba’s on TUESDAY at 10.30am and WEDNESDAY at 7.30pm.


The latest HOPE FROM ABOVE Bulletin is here, as are the latest PUZZLES AND OTHER STUFF from Steve.


Steve’s Puzzles does have an amusing picture to remind us that next week the CLOCKS GO FORWARD so we miss an hour in bed. This is especially tough on Mums who will not be able to enjoy quite so much of a MOTHERING SUNDAY lie in while breakfast in bed is prepared! Our service will be a special celebration for MOTHERING SUNDAY so we look forward to seeing you there. There is also a Communion service at Rockingham at 9am next week.

May God be with you all, and do get in touch of there is anything we can help you with.


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