27th February 2022
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 27 February 2022
Dear St Columba’s Family,
I am sure you were all as shocked as me at the events in Ukraine this week. It is one of those situations when we must truly say that the only thing we can do is pray, and so pray we must. I was pleased to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury on Radio 4 on Thursday morning, concluding his message with these words:
“Right at the end of his life, Jesus Christ, on the eve of his crucifixion, spoke to his disciples and he said something very memorable. ‘In the world you will have trouble, but do not be afraid, I have overcome the world.’For me and for many of faith, the great certainty in the world, the only certainty, is that we know that God does not change. Let us find our resolution, our peace, our certainty not by screwing up our courage, but in the knowledge of the eternal arms that hold us.
May God be with those who suffer today.”
Let us hold on to our faith and turn to the God who does not change, and in whose eternal arms we are held. And let us pray for peace in Ukraine today, and in our world tomorrow.
There are Communion services on Sunday 27th February in St Leonard’s church Rockingham at 9am and in St Columba’s at 10.30am. William is preaching in both services which will be led by Kevin while I am with the children and young people preparing for next Sunday’s All Age Worship.For those who can’t make it to church tomorrow the service can be watched on youtube. There is also a PDF version of the service here.
This week sees the start of Lent and so I hope you will enjoy some pancakes on Tuesday! Lent is the season in which we are encouraged to make small sacrifices in order to devote more time to God. This may be by attending the Lent Course (see below) or reading more of the Bible, or reading a Christian book (there is a great selection in the library at the back of church so do have a look on your way in or out of church – there are no rules just take a book, read it, bring it back and take another…).
I hope many of you will be able to join us at the very beginning of Lent for one of our Ash Wednesday Communion services. These will be at 10.30am in St Columba’s and 7.30pm in St Leonard’s in Rockingham. Please contact me if you would like to go the service at Rockingham but don’t have transport or know how to get there.
These will start on TUESDAY 8th March at 10.30am OR WEDNESDAY 9th MArch at 7.30pm in St Columba’s. These will be looking at Bishop Donald’s series of talks on the FOUR GOSPELS, one talk on each gospel with an introduction. It will also be possible to access the evening group by ZOOM but only if you ask in advance. Just to help with planning can you SIGN UP on the lists in church for either Tuesday morning, Wednesday evening or on Zoom – although you are most welcome in church even if you have not signed up.
Next Sunday’s service at 10.30am will be an ALL AGE SERVICE with input from our children and young people. Do come along and support them as they contribute to our worship.
Do join us for the HIA Prayer Meeting on Sunday evening at 6pm in church. We will, of course, be praying for the situation in Ukraine as well as hearing the latest news about our HIA house. Here is the latest Prayer Bulletin from Hope From Above in Australia.Please can you pray for Sue Scholes who has two hospital appointments on Monday and Tuesday this week.
There are no Puzzles etc this week but the latest edition of SPRING HARVEST NEWS is available and copies can be picked up in church, but we only have a small supply I’m afraid.
May God bless you all in these troubled times,
01536 400225
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