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19th February 2023

19th February 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 25 February 2023

Hello again,

Let me begin with some good news and answers to prayer. I visited both Margaret Freeland and Pam Williams in the last few days, both are now at home after lengthy stays in hospital, both are doing well and grateful for prayers from the church family. Those who are still in need of prayer will be a particular focus of the Healing Service at St Columba’s on Sunday 26th February. Please do come along to this service to pray for them, to bring your own request for healing (either for yourself or someone you know), or simply to enjoy fellowship with the church family at 5pm.

Please join us at St Columba’s tomorrow, 19th February, for a service of MORNING WORSHIP with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. David is leading this and Linda preaching on Matthew 17 v1-9 and 14-23. If you can’t make it to church you can watch online by following this link:
We also have our PRAYER MEETING at St Columba’s at 6pm on Sunday evening.

Lent starts this week and it is always good to mark the beginning of this special season in the life of the church with worship. We have two identical services of HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s, at 10.30am and 7.30pm. These will be in place of Fellowship Groups for this week, but the Groups will be back next week – perhaps one of your Lent disciplines could be joining one of them? I do encourage you to think of ways in which you might observe Lent this year, and if you don’t have any ideas come along on Wednesday and next Sunday to be inspired!

We have a choice of three services next Sunday. At St Leonard’s, Rockingham there is a service of HOLY COMMUNION at 9am and at St Columba’s there is COMMUNION at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups, and, as mentioned above, a HEALING SERVICE at 5pm. You would be most welcome to any or all of these.

St Columba’s ANNUAL MEETING this year is on Sunday 12th March and will be held after the morning service in the Church Hall at about 12 noon. It will be followed by a BRING & SHARE LUNCH to which everyone is invited. Please make sure you have made a note of this date, and do try and come along to the meeting, even if you can’t stay for lunch.
This meeting is the time when we elect Churchwardens to serve us over the next 12 months, Deanery Synod representatives to serve for three years and one third of our PCC members who also serve for three years. If you would like to be considered for one of these roles please do ask me for a nomination form (all roles require the person nominated to be proposed and seconded by two people entitled to vote at the meeting).
The revised ELECTORAL ROLL is on display at the back of church, along with the formal notices about the meeting (strictly speaking it is two meetings, one for electing churchwardens and one for the rest of the business).
Any questions please do speak with me.

This is taking place at Northampton High School on Saturday 18th March from 9.30am to 4pm. It is a day for everyone to explore the Bible together, with a focus on the Psalms. The keynote speaker, Revd Dr Isabelle Hamley, will be looking at Psalms 23 and 137, and there are a range of workshops. You can book tickets (there is no charge for the day, which includes a cold lunch, but donations are welcome) and find details of all the workshops here:

Please find here the latest PRAYER UPDATE from HOPE FROM ABOVE in Australia and STEVE’S PUZZLES & OTHER STUFF. Steve tells me there are some new types of puzzle, some great stories and aahhhs! As a football fan I was struck by the front page article about Sadio Mane, the former Liverpool striker, do have a read even if you don’t support Liverpool. There is also an article by Bishop John with ideas about what we might do during Lent.

May God be with you in this coming week, and especially may He inspire you to do something special during the season of Lent.


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