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25th December 2021

25th December 2021

By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 25 December 2021

Dear St Columba’s Church Family,

First of all may I wish each and every one of you, and your families, a very happy and blessed Christmas.
I just wanted to remind you that we have four services coming up in church and you are welcome to all or any of the following:

TODAY at 4.30pm CHRISTINGLE SERVICE (with a few changes from usual to make it safe for everyone). If you would like to make a donation to the Children’s Society and can’t be at the service there are envelopes you can use at the back of church.


TOMORROW (Christmas Day) at 10am ALL AGE COMMUNION 

and on SUNDAY (Boxing Day) at 10.30am CAROLS & COMMUNION

For those unable to join us in church there is a link to watch a version of the Christmas morning service online.


If you are coming to church do look on the table at the back to see if there are any Christmas cards for you.


Carol Derbyshire has written from Australia to thank us for our gift to Hope from Above:

Dear Friends at St Columba’s,

Please excuse us for the late acknowledgement of your wonderful gift. Thank you for your gift of £1500 which is amazing, it is an answer to our prayers and our trust in God that He will indeed supply all our needs.  We have come to the end of the year praising God for His provision and help throughout this strange and unprecedented time.  

So much has been achieved, often in surprising ways we could not have planned or expected.  This week and last we’ve had two engineering students back with us, both on holiday from their university courses and keen to use their skills for God’s purposes.  Their timing was perfect.  The test water drone positioned on a nearby ‘pond’ was producing strange results.  The guys helped a staff member retrieve it from the lake, pulled it apart and determined the problem.  It was soon back on the lake to continue its job.  They also managed time for some balloon inflation tests today, in preparation for work next year.  

We’ve heard recent stories of amazing answers to prayer as the gospel has reached the unreached in unexpected ways; one being through a government placed satellite internet tower in the Amazon jungles enabling tribal men and women to hear the gospel in their own language.  Our God is amazing.

May you know His peace and grace at this wonderful Christmas time as we remember the coming of Emmanuel, God with us.

Kind regards,



Although there are no HIA Prayer Meetings for the next two Sundays (26th Dec and 2nd Jan) there is still an opportunity of supporting them by making a 

financial donation to St Columba’s to enable us to buy things that are needed in the house. There is a list at the back of church if you would like to contribute the cost of a particular item, BUT we do not need any items just the money to buy them.

May God bless you at this special time of year.


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