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14th November 2021

14th November 2021

By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 14 November 2021

Hello everyone, First of all can I thank you for your kind messages of condolence following my Dad’s death. It is so good to know that you are praying for us all. We have heard some lovely stories about him, including as a youngster playing with his cousins and as a trusted colleague at work who was turned to in time of need. These are insights we could not have known and they are such a consolation. I must also thank you for celebrating my installation as a Canon – and for the cake we enjoyed after church last Sunday, thank you Sheila.

If you are in church tomorrow you will see that William and I have decided to robe as it is Remembrance Sunday, as I robed for the Act of Remembrance at Lodge Park School at 11am on Thursday, and you will see the Canon’s badges on my scarf! 

Everyone is very welcome to the service in church tomorrow at 10.30am, with the two minutes silence at as close to 11am as we can make it. Can I remind parents that ENERGIZE, our groups for children and young people, will be meeting during the service tomorrow so do please come along . If you are not able to be in church the service is available online. If you start watching at 10.30am you should reach the silence at 11am.

The service is also available as a PDF which is available here

We still need volunteers to sit in church for an hour or so between 9am and 1pm every day over this coming week to receive shoebox donations. Please either sign up on the list in church or reply to this email if you can help – even one hour on one day will be a help. 

Our BIG QUIZ NIGHT is going to happen in just one week’s time on Saturday 20th November at 7pm in the Church Hall. Thank you for all those who have signed up, but is is not too late. Once again use either the sign up sheet in church or reply to this email. And don’t forget to bring along your own drinks and snacks as well as some means of donating to Tearfund. Thank you for those people who have signed up to help with the FAYRE on Saturday 27th November from 10am – but there is still space for more, again either sign up in church or reply to this email. 

And don’t forget HOPE INTO ACTION. The Prayer Meeting is happening as usual at 6pm on Sunday and there is still time to sign up for the training Day on Saturday 4th December.

Also available are the latest online Puzzles and Other Stuff from Steve, with a great story fro Remembrance Sunday. And look out for a new edition of print SCANS coming soon. Don’t forget to contact Kevin as I won’t be available some of the this coming week. He can be contacted at: 01536 647727 / 07512 822422 or email 

And finally, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored Jo as she BRAVED THE SHAVE to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. You can see before and after photos below With best wishes Ian

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