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12th February 2023

12th February 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 18 February 2023

Hello everyone,

It has certainly been quite a week, with the Church of England General Synod’s debates occupying much time and attention, and not a little space on Facebook. If you would like to talk to me or Kevin about anything, either from the debates themselves, or from the comments made in response to those debates, please do get in touch.

Of course, the people of southern Turkey and northern Syria have had the worst possible week with the utter devastation caused by the earthquakes. I am sure many of you have been moved by the pictures of people being rescued from under the rubble, but this is only the beginning of a long journey to recovery, and there is much that they need to survive the cold winter nights. If you would like to support the relief effort can I encourage you to give direct to a Christian charity such as Tearfund who are already working in Syria. You can give to Tearfund by following this link:{4DE36746-C78E-49F5-8E5D-CE559F8BD692}&tf_source=224930


I am pleased to be able to share the good news that Pam Williams was due to come out of hospital today. While this is a cause for thanksgiving please continue to pray for Pam to regain her strength.

Please also pray for Sue Scholes who passed out yesterday morning. She did not injure herself but was clearly shaken, as was Steve, and with her other medical conditions Sue really does need God’s healing.


We have two services tomorrow. HOLY COMMUNION at 10.30am at St Columba’s, with my final sermon on the book of Ezra and ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. Then in the afternoon at 3pm there is a FAMILY SERVICE in Rockingham Village Hall. If you have not been before the Hall is on the left as you drive through Rockingham from Corby, before the Sondes Arms and there is a small car park up the lane by the old telephone box. Everyone is welcome to either or both of these services, but if you can’t make it then there is  livestream link to the St Columba’s service here:


There will be the usual Sunday evening Prayer Meeting at St Columba’s tomorrow at 6pm. Do come along and join in us in an hour of prayer for our Hope Into Action House and Tenant, for the Church and the World, especially those affected by the earthquake, and for one another, especially those in need.


We continue our studies in the book of Colossians, this week looking at chapter 2 v6-23. The groups meet on Wednesday morning at 10.30am and evening at 7.30pm. Once again everyone is welcome and it doesn’t matter if you have not been to the previous studies.


On Sunday 19th February we just have the one service of Morning Worship at St Columba’s at 10.30am.


Lent begins on 22nd February and to mark the beginning of this special season in the life of the church we will have two services of Holy Communion at St Columba’s at 10.30am and 7.30pm, in place of Fellowship Groups.


There are no Puzzles etc from Steve this week but there are still printed copies of SCANS in church. And also if anyone lost an earring in St Leonard’s church Rockingham at Christmas please do let me know.

May God bless you and watch over you,


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