10th March 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 16 March 2024
Hello everyone,
Please excuse the early email this week. It is in part because last week I forgot to mention the Ladies Afternoon Tea that is happening tomorrow, FRIDAY 8th MARCH at 3pm in St Columba’s Church Hall. All ladies are most welcome.
I must also apologise that there was no livestream last Sunday, this was because I forgot to press the button to start streaming! All being well normal service will resume this week.
We have an ALL AGE SERVICE at 10.30am in St Columba’s on Sunday with lots of involvement by children in our church family so it would be really good to see lots of mothers and children there. If your child was involved in the preparation last Sunday then it would be helpful if they could arrive by 10am so we can have a quick practice before the service. This service will be available as a livestream here:
In the afternoon at 3pm there is a FAMILY SERVICE in Rockingham Village Hall and again it would be good to see mothers and children (of any age) there.
Our Lent Groups continue on Wednesday at 10.30am or 7.30pm looking at the subject of Praying Dependently. These groups will be held in the Meeting Room of the Church Hall where we can enjoy some warmth without being squashed!
St Columba’s Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Sunday 17th March in the Church Hall after the morning service and will be followed by a Hot Lunch, no need for you to bring food unless asked to do so.
- Thank you to those people who signed up to join our Church Electoral Roll (membership list). The new list is on display in church in accordance with the rules, but if you have not yet joined please do speak with me.
- If you are responsible for any group or activity in the church would you be able to write a short report that can be included in the book of reports that is given out at the meeting.
- Thank you also to all those who have asked about the vacancies on our Parochial Church Council. There are still some Nomination Forms that need to be completed before the meeting.
As well as our Annual Meeting St Columba’s have a service of HOLY COMMUNION at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
You may like to make a note of the time of the following special services for HOLY WEEK and EASTER:
Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Holy Communion at St Columba’s
Good Friday 10am Hot Cross Bun Feast in St Columba’s Church Hall
Good Friday 2pm Hour by the Cross in St Leonard’s, Rockingham
Easter Day 7am Sunrise Service at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
Easter Day 10.30am All Age Communion at St Columba’s
Mini SCaNS
Here is the latest Mini SCaNS about which Steve writes: “In this issue of Mini–SCaNS you can read of two great stories of God helping people pray – in one case by sending a dog! (I’m sure it must have been an angel in disguise!) The second story is of a man who enlisted a friend to ensure he prayed. Great idea! There are also three great new ways of studying the Scriptures available via YouTube – and a few pics of our new bishop’s installation – of which more in the next printed SCaNS (out March 24). New puzzles, including ones for St Patrick’s Day, and Mothering Sunday which occur this month and funnies to cheer us along in the gloomy weather.
May God bless you all in this coming week,
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